Mom and Kevin in front of the covered bridge where we crossed over to the past.....
Rachel and Aunt Tara as we were waiting to eat lunch at the Salem Tavern....we were teasing Rachel about the woman on the other side of the window watching her....
We were waiting on Mom to get out of a book shop.... Rachel was smacking Uncle Kevin on the head with her new fan.
Rachel, Tara, Mom and I took a carriage ride with Rusty the horse pulling us. When Mom said she was from Marion, IN, the guy driving asked if we were Wesleyans! He attends a Wesleyan church in the area and said that Tom Kinnan was preaching a revival a few years back and he renewed his walk with Christ. What a small world!
It's not a stuffed animal! :) God's Acre...this is where all the Moravians from Old Salem were buried.Can you see Dad in the background?We went inside this church, the Moravian Home Church, which was built in 1800.
We were waiting on Mom to get out of a book shop.... Rachel was smacking Uncle Kevin on the head with her new fan.
Rachel, Tara, Mom and I took a carriage ride with Rusty the horse pulling us. When Mom said she was from Marion, IN, the guy driving asked if we were Wesleyans! He attends a Wesleyan church in the area and said that Tom Kinnan was preaching a revival a few years back and he renewed his walk with Christ. What a small world!
It's not a stuffed animal! :) God's Acre...this is where all the Moravians from Old Salem were buried.Can you see Dad in the background?We went inside this church, the Moravian Home Church, which was built in 1800.
It was a beautiful day today! The afternoon started out in the 60s and then warmed up quite nicely! We had a great time! :)
Oh I'm JEALOUS!!! When we used to live in K-ville, we used to LOVE going to Old Salem.
Looks like you had a GREAT time.
Not a stuffed aniaml... but that is her third fan. Thankfully, it looks just like the one we got last summer and I think Daniel may have broken it this week. Shhh... It may have already broken, but it's nice to have a replacement in any case.
I can spell "animal."
Rachel did say that she got the fan because her other one broke.
It was almost a disaster last night when they were packing to leave because she had the fan box but no fan. Thankfully we found the fan downstairs under Grandpa's jacket! :)
I hope she's not too upset because I found her leaf book here. I'll try to mail it to her this week.
If I can ever figure out how to put a video on here, I will show you the fun/exercise we had this week with our exercise ball. We don't know how she lives without one. She would play with it while watching Princess Diaries 1 and 2...over and over I might add....and she would play with it while talking to other people. I have GOT to figure out how to put those videos on here. They're great!
So - - - are you saying you are about "Princess Diaried out"?
Well, Mike definitely is. I actually only saw parts of each one and never the whole thing this time. I like those movies, so I think I'll watch them all the way through. Mike does NOT want to! :)
One time, when Rachel was about 3 or so, she was here and watched Beauty and the Beast over and over. Mike and Dad still do not want to watch it! :)
Ah, how well I remember those days when my kids were young and liked watching the same video over and over again - - - -
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