Friday, April 13, 2007

Kia - One Year Later

One year ago today, Kia was hit or run over by a car or something bigger. We didn't see it happen, so we don't know the details, but it was pretty bad. She was black and bloody all over. Her lungs were one big bruise and if any ribs had been broken she probably would have died. The doctor said she was lucky to be alive. She ended up spending a week in the vet hospital recuperating, and when she came home we couldn't let her get excited because the blood clots in her lungs could have released and killed her!

It was awful around the house with no Kia. Zach, the cat, went around the house meowing for her, wondering where she was. Mike would lay on her bed at night for a few minutes, missing her. We caught a glimpse of what life will be like without Kia, our dog-der...get daughter :)...and we didn't like it. She is our baby and someday we will miss her greatly.

I thought I'd post a few pictures from a year ago and now so you can see how far she's come. We're thankful every day we have Kia in our lives.

Kia....a few days before she was hit....she looks like this now. :) Day 5 in the hospital and getting better.... she has a cut under her eye and her left front paw is really red, raw and cut up....
Her mouth was pretty torn up...
Mike said that before Kia was sewn up, the hole in her side was big enough to put a half-dollar in.
She was hurt but happy to be home!


Keetha Broyles said...

We had a yellow lab for like six months - - - she was Greg's pride and joy - - - - but she was stolen from our yard. Greg really mourned her loss - - - -

Terhune Family said...

Mike really laid on her bed??

Kim and Mike said... was so sad. :(

Unknown said...

What a cute pup! WE feel the same way about our pups, I don't know what life would be like without em. There's nothin like coming home after a hard day at work and have them come to the door and greet you and love you!

Keetha Broyles said...

Kia is adorable and all that - - - - but I'm ready for a NEW POST to come up when I click on your blot!!!! :-)