Monday, May 28, 2007

Chesapeake VA - again!!

We made it back to Chesapeake again! This time we came on Friday, and we're on our way home now....about 2 1/2 hours left to go! I have some pictures of me to post, but they're on my laptop and I'm using Mike's now since he has the aircard to get on the internet. Kari mentioned the fact that Kia rides the jet ski, so here are some pictures of her on the jet ski. If I could ever figure out how to put a video on here, I would show you the one were Mike was on the jet ski and Kia went crazy because she wanted a ride! She's hilarious!


Keetha Broyles said...

Are you out of school now? Today is our last day - - - a teacher work day.

Kim and Mike said...

No, our last student day is June 7th and our last teacher work day is June 11th. We used to get out around May 20th, but then the state passed a law so that we can't start school before August 25th. So, now we don't get out until June!

Keetha Broyles said...

Well, what in the world good did THAT law do??? Looks like you just traded time from one end to the other of the summer.

WI gets out about now but they can't go back till after Labor Day!!!!!!

We go back Aug. 9

Kim and Mike said...

The way I understand it, a realtor down at the coast wanted people to have more vacation time...during the warmer weather, warmer water. So, the state mandated that all schools start on or after Aug. 25th. However, if you miss 10 or more snow days during the school year, you can be exempt from this law. We missed 9 two years in a row! Now it seems they are going to relax it a bit and give more reasons why we can start earlier. i.e. the community college where our students take classes starts before Aug. 25th. So, we may go back to starting the first week of August again in 2008!

Kim and Mike said...

Btw, what is "WI"?

Keetha Broyles said...

Oh My - - - - what is WI??????

My beloved home state, and favorite vacation place!!! Home of the Badgers (UW) and the Packers (NFL)

That's like saying what is "NC" or "IN" or "MN"

America's Dairyland. Home of Milwaukee and all that beer. And let's not forget the Dells.


Jaena said...

Those pics are hilarious! Who knew that dogs liked to jet ski? :)

Keetha Broyles said...

HEY YOU GUYS!!! I just saw your momma and daddy at a graduation open house!!! Your mom and I had quite a little chat, and we even talked about how we all abuse poor little old Kevin on HIS and YOUR blogs!!!

I told her I hope he knows its cause we love his little self to pieces!!!


Keetha Broyles said...

Yipppeeeee - - - you are ALMOST out of school!!!! Actually, if you are like me, you won't mind the word day without the students. I got A LOT accomplished on that day!!!

I'll be really, really, really jealous when you are still out for the summer and I've gone back on August 8!!!

Kim and Mike said...

Yes, tomorrow is my last work day! :) We had a work day on Friday and I got most everything down and put away....even though I spent about 4 hours in meetings. Tomorrow I will finish putting things away and then wait for report cards, transcripts, schedules, etc. to be printed so I can stuff envelopes and file them in cumulative folders...THEN I am finished and can go home! Yippee!!

Keetha Broyles said...

Are you singing?? "Free, free, I'm free at last!!!!"