Sunday, July 1, 2007


We found out on Thursday that Kia has cancer in her lymphnodes....well at least one back near her bowels. The lymphnode is supposed to be the size of a lima bean, but Kia's is the size of a smoked sausage. It's inoperable. Kia hasn't been eating real dog least not since she left the vet's on Monday and came home. We took her back on Wednesday and the vet did a laparotomy on Thursday morning. That's when he found the cancer. We take Kia to the vet every day to get fluids and some medication and then bring her home every night because we don't want her last few days to be at the vet's. We've been giving her some liquid food through a syringe and she does seem to perk up after that. She seems happy and still loves to go for rides. We're just waiting to see what will happen. The vet did say that when we decided it was time, he would come out to the house...he doesn't do that for just anybody, but since Kia is such a sweet dog and is always wagging her tail and is such a good patient, he would come here. Mike and I are both pretty upset. We weren't expecting this so soon. Please keep us in your prayers...


Amy said...

Praying for you, Mike, & Kia to be overwhelmed with peace and love. :)

Robin said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Kia. She certainly is a special dog. I'll be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about this. I know what you're going through. We lost our cat in the prime of life to a heart problem. He was our baby and the joy of our days. I'll be praying for all of you.
Cindy Korman

Jaena said...

I am sorry, Kim, and will be praying for you and Mike during this time.

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Kia. I know she is very special from your previous posts. We'll be thinking of you and praying for you and Mike during this.