Thursday, March 27, 2008

Not here yet!

I went to the doctor today and there won't be a baby coming today! :( I'm not dilated at all! So, I'm going back next week for an ultrasound to check the size of the baby. She thinks the baby is 6.5-7 lbs now.....she says this will not be a small baby. (Mike did say he was sorry.) :) After the ultrasound we will talk about a possible induction the following week when I'm 39 weeks. I told her I was ready to go today if she said go! But, that's ok. The baby will come when the baby is ready!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Baby Update

Well, there's still no news. I'm on day 9 of my second round of bed rest and I feel fine! The baby is still moving a lot, so we both seem to be doing well. I called my doctor yesterday and she said that I could go to church on Sunday. That's great because I've missed the past 5 Sundays! They said it didn't matter if the baby came now since I'm considered to be "term". Today is a full moon, so we'll see what happens. :) My next doctor's appointment isn't until next Thursday, the 27th, so we'll see what she says then....that is if I haven't seen her before then! Mom and Dad will be here on Monday and then Kari and the kids will be here Tuesday. I think they plan on putting me to work so that the baby will come while they're here!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Free jewelry!

I was visiting a friend's blog and discovered this website for free sterling silver jewelry! The jewelry changes every 15 minutes, but you pay only $5.99 for shipping and if you use coupon code SALE at checkout, you get $1 off shipping! I just bought something, so I'm not sure how the jewelry turns out, but according to Kendra, she has been pleased and impressed with what she's bought. Check out her website for some more freebies!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Couponing efforts

I guess I'm full of new posts today! :) I just have to share my latest couponing efforts. I've never really gotten into the whole couponing thing until recently. I just haven't had the time to put into it. Lately I've been checking a few other blogs because they post the deals at CVS and Food Lion, one of our grocery store chains. This may not be impressive to many people, but I am so amazed at times like this! This is what I bought at Food Lion on Tuesday....

Pampers Jumbo Pack diapers
Gerber stage 2 baby food 2-pack (for Kari when they come for spring break)
store brand 40-count travel pack wipes
3-pack of Gerber sippy cups
Tropicana orange juice

Guess what I paid? $9.66!! How exciting! I love going to the grocery and getting things for free with coupons or better yet.....when they pay me to take it off their hands! This is so much fun! I'm going to send Mike to CVS in the next couple of days and I can't wait to see how little we spend! Being frugal (?) is so much fun! I'll let you know how it turns out!

Free sports bra

Click here if you would like to get a free sports bra! How incredible is that!?

more bed rest

Well, I'm on bed rest again.... Last week I was on bed rest because I had been spotting and had some mild cramping. When the cramping continued from Saturday night into Sunday afternoon, the doctor wanted to check me out and sent me to the hospital. (A good friend from church took me since Mike was gone.) I was having contractions but I wasn't feeling them and I wasn't dilating. So they sent me home for a week of bed rest. Monday I went back to school and was thoroughly exhausted after being on bed rest for 9 days! Tuesday we went to our last childbirth class and toured the hospital.....almost exhausting. Wednesday I got to school and while talking to another teacher, got hot and lightheaded. She walked me back to my room and the school nurse came and took my blood pressure. It was great! 110 over something....and my pulse was fine. A little later I discovered some spotting so I went to see the doctor yesterday afternoon. She said my cervix was really thinned out and she could feel the baby's hair through the membrane. She said it was so thin she probably could have poked her finger through the membrane and I would have already been dilated 1-2 cm! So, we're trying to hold the baby off until Easter. That's my spring break and mom, dad, Kari and the kids will all be here. Wouldn't that be the perfect time to have the baby??

I'm attaching some pictures of me from the 1st Saturday I was on bed rest. (I was 2 days shy of 34 weeks.) I had just dropped Mike off at the airport sending him off to Italy. Teachers and students at school say that I'm even bigger now. Actually, my students say that the basketball I'm smuggling has inflated. :) When I look at these pictures I think I look huge, but people tell me that from behind I don't even look pregnant. Yeah! I hope you enjoy them....

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wanna vote?

I do have more pictures to post, but I just haven't done it! I was on bed rest all last week, and now that I'm back at school, I am exhausted!!!!! I'm amazed at how tired I can be after 9 days of doing nothing! Oh! And while I was on bed rest, Mike was in Italy on a business trip. Things always happen when he leaves. :)

Ok, so I'm taking Jaena's advice.....let's vote on whether I'm going to have a boy or girl! Please leave a comment as to whether you think I'm having a boy or a girl and if you have any reasons for your guess! The winners will get to hold the baby first when I see them! :)