Monday, July 20, 2009

More Pics

Here are more pics! Click on the picture to see all of them.

7.20.09 Hannah

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Guess what?

Guess what Hannah did for the first time last Friday?

Is it worth it?

Is it worth going on vacation if you have to come home to invaders in your house? While we were gone, a mouse or two decided to make a nice home for themselves in our bathroom cabinets! (We did catch 2 soon after we came home. Yuk!) Because I don't want Hannah getting into the mess, I'm having to clean it up when she's in bed. (Since she hardly took a nap today, I've been working on it tonight.) So far I've gotten through 2 sections. I'm having to disinfect everything and throw away a lot! One good thing is coming about from all of this. It was time to go through and purge but I hadn't brought myself to do it yet. It was low on a long list of things to do. So, now I'm getting rid of a bunch of stuff I haven't used in ages and I have so much more space! So, thank you mice!
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Today I asked Hannah if she wanted turkey for lunch. Her eyes got huge and she vigorously nodded her head. I thought, "Wow! She sure is excited about turkey!" Then she said, "Cookie!" :) I get it....

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Beach Trip

Here are some pictures from SciWorks and our beach trip with my family. I'll post more later! (Click on the picture for more pictures.)
6.25.2009 Manteo-Kim's and Kari's

July 4th

Here are some pictures from our July 4th weekend. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A lot of catching up

I realize that I have a lot of catching up to do. However, all of these pictures have taken place in the past 3 days!

Mike was mowing the yard and she wanted to "ride." So Mike took her for a ride. Don't worry! He went slowly and didn't have the blade going.

Grandpa Bowers brought Hannah and me an iced oatmeal cookie sandwich. Here is Hannah enjoying her first bite. Yum! She even asked for it by name. "Cook - ie!"

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Every day Hannah asks for bubbles. Yesterday we went out on the deck for some bubble fun. I had to fill up our bubble dog with bubbles, so then Hannah thought that she needed to do it, too!

I got a picture of all 4 of us in the reflection of the sliding glass door...Hannah, me, the bubble dog, and our cat Zach, who was really on the other side of the door. Hannah was trying to fill me up with bubbles.
Yay! Bubbles!
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Hannah loves cherries! I have to cut them up for her, of course, because of the pit, for one reason. She would eat a bunch of them and say her cute little "More!" Her fingers and mouth turned purple!

When Hannah woke up from her nap yesterday morning, she had some really curly hair! I tried getting pictures, but these two don't do it justice.

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The finches are back!
(If you click on the picture it will get larger and you can see the bird.) :)

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Hannah loves cereal!

The other day, I showed Hannah how to drink the milk left in her bowl after eating cereal. Then yesterday she was eating her cereal when I left the room for a minute. When I came back, this is what I found. She had milk all down the front of her!

She had just finished feeding herself applesauce when I took this picture. She really loved dipping her fingers into it and licking them off instead of using a spoon. :)
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Hannah's black eye

Hannah fell down a couple of steps on Sunday and landed on her face! She had a red spot under her left eye that showed up later that day. By Monday morning that whole spot was gone and she has a scab on the left side of her nose! It's really weird! Poor baby!

Here Hannah is enjoying a yummy corn dog. You may be able to see the bad spot on her nose.

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